
Why emails are automatically marked as spam? Every recipient server (Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo mail ,etc) is different and may apply different... How to get the fastest support for your technical inquiries?   We provide our technical support services in English and Sinhala twenty-four hours per day... My website does not load, how to know whether my website is truly down? Is this truly a server downtime or just connectivity OR other issue related to only you? STEP 1... How to fix 503 Service Unavailable error? If you're seeing 503 Service Unavailable errors in your website, this means PHP processes are... What should I do if my website/cPanel does not load? If your website or cPanel does not load, it's possible your IP is blocked by the server firewall.... 500 Internal Server Error Code First remember that “Internal Server Error” does not mean a server problem. It implies an... What are Error Codes? These numbered error codes are how the server tells website visitors about an error encountered.... How can I upgrade/downgrade my package? Upgrades: Upgrades between the same package types (E.g.: Linux Shared Hosting to Linux Shared... How to cancel a service? Cancellation requests must be submitted through the client area prior to the due date. No other... Spamming/Bulk Email Marketing We takes a zero tolerance approach to the sending of Unsolicited Commercial Email (UCE) or SPAM... Resources Over-usage The meaning of "shared hosting" is that the resources are being shared with all the hosted users,...
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